All Village Maps APK | Download Village Maps APK | Free GPS Navigation & Maps, Directions helps to follow the route directions, avoid heavy traffic routes, get shortest path distance, trace places nearby, find the destination on GPS maps and can get current location of your place.
The Compass Navigation mode helps you to find the directions during travel, get the weather updates of current place or search any place to find the weather condition. Get the Traffic updates to avoid busy route.
GPS Navigation:?
With Free GPS Navigation & Maps, Directions easily find the directions of your destination, you can search any location address. You can find the shortest path of travelling. Check the current location of your place, so that you can easily trace out the places where you are, mostly helpful while travelling. Share the location address with your friends and family. Find the directions where you want to travel, find the address of any location with just a click.
Compass Mode:?
You can find the navigation directions with different compass views.
Get different modes of compass with navigation like Standard, Map, Satellite, Telescope, Compass modes.
Check Traffic ?
Free GPS Navigation & Maps, Directions helps you to save time by following the traffic updates. GPS Traffic Finder will helps you to get the most accurate traffic updates. So that you can skip the heavy traffic routes.
Import and export KML / GPX/ GEOJSON files
◇ The app supports all of the popular geo formats such as KML, GPX, and GEOJSON.
You can either export your saved locations, or import any of the above file extensions.
◇ Share and track your location live with your friends and family.
GPS Maps
◇ See your current GPS position on the map easily and freely.
◇ Nearby places – Find what you have around you: cafes, businesses, malls and more.
◇ GPS map details the latitude and longitude according to your current location.
◇ Enable location tracking to later see the different routes you have taken, and see your saved tracks.
◇ See the address and street you are currently at, and never get lost around the city ever again.
◇ Address and places search – Look up an address, or a specific place by name.
Navigation Widget
◇ Quickly navigate to your favourite locations from the home-screen, now with just a single click you can start the navigation to your home/work or any other saved place.
Save location widget
◇ Save your current location with a single click! it has never been easier
◇ Navigate the map and find the shortest, most accurate route to any destination.
◇ Find directions to your destination by walking, cycling or driving.
◇ Share your current location or any other location from the map with your friends.
◇ Use map themes like retro or dark, and learn to change your map with this short demo video:
◇ Enable nightmode for better viewing the map during the night.
Important Link
All Village Maps APK | Download Village Maps APK
Near By Places
With Free GPS Navigation & Maps, Directions trace out the nearest places with single tap. Check the categories of all the places near by and can select the category of place you want to check and see the places nearest you in single click.